Creating a simplified Landscape Rake - TractorByNet
May 26, 2003 · Fixing the rake angle means that the tines will be drug at an angle sideways while turning the tractor.. IE. The front wheels of the tractor move forward and right in a right turn The center of the rear axle is the pivot point and the tines on a rigid rake will move forward and left, the opposite direction of the front wheels.
Help with fixing a landscape rake? - TractorByNet
Oct 1, 2013 · I have a newer Country Line (TSC) landscape rake. While picking up some rock with FEL, I managed to back into a tree with the rake, twisting one side of the tine bar so the tines are forward and lower on that side (the main C channel is still about level but torqued maybe 20 degrees of rotation) tines not damaged.
Homemade landscape and trail rake - TractorByNet
Nov 26, 2001 · When used on the trail, the use is extreme duty, with rocks as big as a foot across expected to move off the trail with the rake's guidance. Any thoughts on using the heavy duty rakes tines Agri-Supply has instead of the standard duty ones. the HD ones are 1.25 x 3/8". they cost 6 bucks each, but I would also space them out a bit further too.
Spacing On Landscapr Rake Tines - TractorByNet
Oct 21, 2005 · Then I sold it and built a rake from scratch, using the larger tines and put them on a larger spacing. The tines are 1.25 wide, and I put them on a 2.5 inch pitch, so the space between is 1.25 inch. I think the new rake with slightly wider pitch plugs with stuff less often.
Asking for advice on adjestments of landscape rake
Apr 3, 2004 · Zero is when the Rake tines and wheels are even with each other. 2" up is when the gauge wheels are 2 inches higher off the ground, which would give you 2" of "cut". When finish grading dirt for grass seed, I ran the gauge wheels about 1 inch up, meaning the rake could dig in 1 full inch, and that gave good enough cutting it dirt, without ...
Landscape Rake for Manure Collection | Page 3 - TractorByNet
Jan 21, 2025 · If they are dry a landscape rake will work to break them up and leave pieces along the way. I have one and it works, but I also have a pine straw rake that has done a better job of collecting grass, weeds, twigs, leaves, etc. A landscape rake will collect heaver things. A pine straw rake will leave soil and rocks, but collect loose materials.
Landscape rake angled use...how often. - TractorByNet
Apr 21, 2019 · This is true, you did not post about the tines breaking. My point was that about every implement manufacturer that builds landscape rakes builds the units to angle 45*. If breaking tines was a problem due to operating at steeper angles, don't you think that they would not build the units to angle that far?
Rake - Straightening/Re-aligning Rake Tines - TractorByNet
Dec 25, 2004 · These work also on my fiends rake which uses a bolt to secure them in through the tine, were as the landpride I have uses the bolts on the sides of the tines to squeeze closed the two metal mounts. I was unsure if the ones from Ag supply would work, but the worked fine, the hole didn't matter. here is the link. LANDSCAPE RAKE TINES - Agri Supply
Landscape Rake Tines 1 or 2 Holes - TractorByNet
Apr 23, 2021 · Ringo Landscape Rake, 8', tines are breaking at a horrible rate, time to replace. Choices are Chinese or Italian manufacture, 1 or 2 holes. The manufacturer is selling 1 hole replacements, the rake has 2 hole tines. Please, your Thoughts? Edit: went Italian 2 holer Always thought 2 holes was...
Landscape rake, tine measurement? - TractorByNet
May 26, 2015 · My rake has one inch between my tines and I think it's too tight. I rake up allot of branches on my place and at that spacing, I tend to jam them in between the tines. I've broke two tines and have considered removing others to give me more gap. Taking the branches out of the tines is a major delay because I have to get off the tractor and work ...