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可汗学院 - Khan Academy
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Introducing Khan Academy’s NGSS-Aligned High School Biology …
Aug 8, 2024 · Biology: Exploring life from molecules to ecosystems. Our new high school biology course examines the core principles and complex systems that shape life on Earth, from genetics and biodiversity to ecosystems and evolutionary processes. Through new articles and videos, learners will explore how biological structures support life’s functions at multiple levels, ranging …
6th - Khan Academy
Learn sixth grade math including ratios, exponents, long division, negative numbers, geometry, and statistics aligned to the Eureka Math/EngageNY curriculum.
Khan Academy
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खान अकेडमी - Khan Academy
ओह! लगता है कुछ गड़बड़ हो गई। कृपया पुन: प्रयास करें। अरे नहीं, लगता है कोई त्रुटि आ गई है। आपको रिफ्रेश करना पड़ेगा। यदि इसके बाद भी यह समस्या बनी रहती है ...