Burmese rubies, Colombian emeralds and collectable vintage jewels headline the annual Phillips Hong Kong Jewels Auction this ...
帕運不僅僅是一場體育賽事,更是照亮了身心障礙者與體育之間的關聯,除了激勵人心、促進社會進步,更是推動對於殘疾人士的包容與機會。1992 年是 OMEGA 首次擔任帕運會的官方計時,而今年又再次肩負起計時重任,全權為 32 個項目計時!
From the notorious Gaokao test in China to the UPSCs in India, these are 9 of the toughest exams in the world.
Burberry 2025 夏季時裝秀於倫敦國家劇院隆重登場,粗獷的建築風格與 Burberry 輕盈雅緻的服裝設計相得益彰。大秀現場更是眾星雲集,泰國男神 ...
即將於9/26於台北故宮展出的「大美不言」特展,是由國立故宮博物院、巴黎裝飾藝術博物館、梵克雅寶(Van Cleef & Arpels)三方共同策畫的精緻文物特展,本文帶領讀者搶先看三大重點作品,以及關於這場展覽與眾不同之處。
These top ice bath locations in Bangkok offer the perfect balance of recovery and relaxation, complete with expert-guided ...
From 'The Untamed' to 'Hidden Love' and 'Meteor Garden', these are some of the best Chinese dramas on Netflix with a high ...
Prepare for the 2024 Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix with this essential guide covering race schedules, concerts, and more.
From now until October 27, fans of Gongkan can pay a visit to the artist's first full-scale solo exhibition in Thailand in ...
繼「真實本質:羅丹與印象派時代」和「梵谷:尋光之路」展覽之後,富邦美術館今年秋天再度推出重磅國際級藝術家特展「新宮晉:宇宙—風之旅人」,這次的展覽聚焦在新宮晉 1990 年代的作品還有 2024 年最新創作! Image:富邦美術館 新宮晉:宇宙—風之旅人 新宮晉(Susumu. Check out our stories from Art & Culture & stay updated wit ...
Van Cleef & Arpels’ heritage director Natacha Vassiltchikov shares her insights into the house’s efforts in preserving its ...
Ever wondered what it would feel like to float on a cloud, weightless and gently cradled to sleep like royalty? You will now, ...