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Goldsmiths is authorised to approve online applications for the 18+ Oyster Card. If you are enrolled on a full-time programme of study, have met all the conditions and have no outstanding fees, we ...
Universities must undergo reform to fully realise their potential and meet student and societal needs, the Warden of Goldsmiths has said in a foreword to a paper exploring the future of the UK higher ...
Through work experience placements, Goldsmiths’ IT department is building skills and employability for young people in Lewisham. As a university, Goldsmiths is committed to making higher education ...
Events managers of the future need to be versatile and confident, managing a wide array of events in innovative ways. This degree equips you to take your place in the events industry, leading the way ...
Goldsmiths is part of the CHASE AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership, which funds up to 56 doctoral studentships per year. If you're thinking about carrying out a research degree in the arts and ...
There may also be additional costs associated with your specific programme. This can include things like paying for field trips or specialist materials for your assignments. For example, if you're ...
Wellbeing Advisers are here to support all Goldsmiths students whose personal circumstances are affecting their wellbeing and/or their studies. It is not an emergency service. If you require urgent ...
As well as changing your password you will need to update it in places where it is stored. This will include Wi-Fi settings on your devices. We have information about different set-ups. To get the ...
Goldsmiths welcomes new members of staff by providing you with information about the College and all the essential training you need to help you settle into life here. Our essential training includes ...
The Goldsmiths campus comprises a number of new and older buildings (some dating from Victorian times). The campus is relatively compact and it's possible to go from one end of campus to the other, ...
We make, curate and write about contemporary art in a dynamic, critical and interdisciplinary environment.