Lobo, played by Jason Momoa, is an iconic DC character known for his violent, anti-hero persona and unique origin story. Created as a parody, Lobo evolved into a beloved rugged anti-hero with ...
The ruthless Czarnian bounty hunter who wiped out his own race. How did Lobo go from villain to parody to anti-hero icon in ...
Here’s every fraggin’ thing you need to know about Jason Momoa’s Lobo before he frags up the DC Universe in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. Lobo, whose name means “one who devours your ...
Jason Momoa as Lobo sounds like a good, if not perfect, casting. For those unaware of who Lobo is, he is an alien intergalactic bounty hunter gifted with near invincibility, immortality ...
James Gunn and Peter Safran are currently building out a new DC Cinematic Universe, which will kick off in earnest with a new ...
Hollywood actor Jason Momoa confirmed he will take on the role of comic book character Lobo, stepping away from the previous ...
Jason Momoa will play Lobo in the DCU, opening the door for his fellow Justice League co-stars to return to the DC Universe ...
Following a casting update via the Hollywood Reporter for the upcoming film Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, the article also ...
HONOLULU — In between filming scenes for his new buddy cop movie, “The Wrecking Crew,” actor Jason Momoa stopped by the Twin Fin Resort in Waikiki on Monday to announce the relaunch of his ...
Who Is Jason Momoa’s SUPERGIRL Character Lobo? His DC Comics History, Explained_4 Marvel Comics / DC Comics Although his homeworld was peaceful, even as a child Lobo had a penchant for extreme ...
Jason Momoa is officially switching gears within the DC Universe after playing fan favorite Aquaman for eight years. On Monday, the 45-year-old actor took to Instagram to reveal that he has turned ...
It’s official: Jason Momoa will play Lobo in James Gunn and Peter Safran’s DCU. Momoa previously played Arthur Curry/Aquaman in the DCEU, which ended in 2023 with Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.