Next-Gen filmmakers, supported by the Adobe film and TV fund, get real about what it takes to premiere a film at Sundance.
U sing AI in A24’s fantasy-adventure film The Legend of Ochi would have been impractical for director Isaiah Saxon … despite what some people on social media initially suspect ...
"Serious People" filmmakers Pasqual Gutierrez and Ben Mullinkosson break down how the rap superstar factors into their ...
"Magic Farm" writer-director Amalia Ulman and stars Chloe Sevigny and Simon Rex unpack their funny, idiosyncratic movie.
“He doesn’t feel that way at all,” Studio Ghibli executive Junichi Nishioka said in September 2023. “He is currently working ...
As part of promoting the release of the newest trailer for Sinners, writer-director Ryan Coogler chatted with movie ...