Predictably, there have been more reactions to this column on my assertion that John the Baptist received and gave to mankind the great Revelation generally referred to as the Revelation of John.
Laodicea - the cities of the seven churches of Revelation (Rev 1:11; 2:1--3:22) Patmos - small island in the Aegean Sea, near Ephesus; where John, the author of Revelation, was (Rev 1:9 ...
Furthermore, historical dispensationalists insist that the seven churches of Revelation (chapters two and three) represent ...
The most confronting message I’ve heard so far was a sermon taught from the last of the seven churches written to in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, the Lukewarm Church of Laodicea. Dr David Jeremiah ...
Considering the circumstances they were facing, Jesus’ words to the seven churches in Asia in Revelation 2-3 are surprisingly ...
A Latino pastor said churches are fearful of mass deportations at services as President Donald Trump's administration rapidly cracks down on illegal immigration. "We're called as pastors to serve ...
The Hebrew Bible, which Christians call the Old Testament, offers instructions about celebrating a Jubilee every 50 years.
Meanwhile, Canadian Christians were startled by another development: a formal recommendation that the governing party consider taking tax-exempt status away from churches. The Standing Committee ...