Recent proposals suggest growing trees in Arctic regions to store carbon and slow rising temperatures. However, new findings ...
If your cedars are showing signs of disease, you'll need to identify the issue to appropriately treat it. Learn about some of the most common cedar illnesses.
Wandering salamanders are known for gliding high through the canopies of coastal redwood forests, but how the small amphibians stick their landing and take-off with ease remains something of a mystery ...
Study reveals how human history—from Indigenous stewardship to colonization—shaped the genetic diversity of Brazil Nut trees ...
Slippery salamanders glide mysteriously through the canopies of the world’s tallest trees. Now, scientists say they ...
NAIROBI ― Poisoning, poaching and loss of habitat have significantly reduced populations of lion prides in Uganda, signaling ...
Now is a great time to prune or cut oaks without the risk of oak wilt infection, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Winter is also the safest ...
Forests flanking Brazil's rivers act as "highways" that have allowed tree species to move between the Amazon and Atlantic ...
In order to grow properly, trees need an adequate period of warmth during their growing seasons; otherwise, the cell walls [… ...