A sea of hot pink rashies could be seen in the Murray River as Border students learnt skills that could save a life.
The NSW and ACT Governments are taking important steps towards developing the first joint water trading framework to deliver an extra 6.36 gigalitres (GL) of water to the environment.
A lawsuit has prevented some Arizona ranchers from using wells due to water rights claimed by the Gila River Indian Community ...
The River Assessment Field Team samples the White River's creeks and streams for bacteria, nutrients, and water chemistry ...
Using water more efficiently in agriculture has many benefits. But bolstering the Colorado River may not be one of them.
By Carol Britton Meyer In an update to the Weir River Water System Citizens Advisory Board Friday, WRWS Managing ...
River has seized the opportunity to get the lead out, and is continuing to replace lead pipes. Here's how to get your pipes ...
There's been a battle brewing for years between the people who enjoy spending time on the water, and the utility companies ...
Polluted runoff is still smothering the Great Barrier Reef, our first national assessment of water quality trends in ...
Pollution is leaking into the bay waters from creeks bearing nitrogen and phosphorous from wastewater treatment plants, ...