American Arthur “Chip” Gaudio Jr. and Swedish exchange student Jenny Teresia Sundberg briefly attended high school together ...
If you’re a Little Monster, you probably know Lady Gaga has been in her fair share of relationships. In the great words of our favorite pop goddess, “All I she ever wanted was love.” (Get it?) While ...
In the first three non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stages, your body temperature lowers and your heartbeat slows down. Sleeping ...
Adrianne Wright is the founder and CEO of Rosie, a storytelling agency for nonprofits. She is also the cofounder of I Will ...
Tiffany & Co.'s latest campaign centers around notable poems and literary works by acclaimed poets and writers across history.
You might say that Jennifer “Jen” Pastiloff has built a thriving brand by just being herself.
For “Love Me” actor Kristen Stewart, the overall message of the film remains a mystery.