This documentary, premiering at Sundance, follows the rehabilitation of a colonial-era library in Kenya, but only tells half ...
Next-Gen filmmakers, supported by the Adobe film and TV fund, get real about what it takes to premiere a film at Sundance.
Several of modern entertainment’s lower-stakes debates revolve around the use of subtitles. In this particular case, we’re ...
Making any form of content engaging has almost become a standard today. It does not matter whether you are a video content ...
However, in many cases, studios do have a choice. By adding certain scenes and dialogue, they can draw an R rating, for ...
If your TV doesn't seem to offer compatible apps, it's time to turn to an add-on media streamer with a USB port, like the ...
1. On the iPhone's lock screen, touch and hold anywhere on the display until you see the Customize button. You'll need to ...
After uncovering a controversy in the captions of Russians at War, Rachel Ho digs into the art of translation.
A film about a performance of “Hamlet” within the world of Grand Theft Auto suggests that the moral environment of revenge ...
He said: “Experiential bars like Sixes are revolutionising Bristol's nighttime economy by offering more than just drinks.
Tartu's year as European Capital of Culture officially ended in November. But is that the end of it? ERR News' Michael Cole ...
There's no reason to rush out and buy an AI PC, Consumer Reports says. You can still enjoy the benefits of artificial ...