Are you searching for information about Gandhi Maternity and Children hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Medindia's directory provides you the contact details of such as telephone numbers ...
Just when memorialising of former PMs had begun to set a bad example came more commemorations: a small memorial to Gulzarilal Nanda in Ahmedabad, and one to Sanjay Gandhi at Delhi’s Vijay Ghat.
Accusing the state government of disrespecting the Father of the Nation, Ravi questioned the rationale behind conducting Gandhi’s memorial events at the Egmore Museum instead of the grand Gandhi ...
Modi, who often hails Gandhi as the Father of the Nation, attended a solemn prayer ceremony where he offered flowers at the memorial site. The PM reflected on Gandhi’s lasting influence ...
Ahmedabad-based ... has claimed that Sonia Gandhi had deputed a representative to take away a huge part of "donated" Jawaharlal Nehru papers from the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library in 2008.