Beverly Hills Cop is a beloved franchise, and new movie "Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F," banks on every nostalgic reference we love about the original two ‘80s films (despite the threequel misfire). One ...
Voiced by Eddie Murphy, the talkative Donkey served as the sidekick to Shrek (Mike Myers) in the original film and three sequels, the most recent of which was released in 2010. “It’s evident if you ...
Suns announcer Eddie Johnson brutally shuts down LeBron ... for failing to appreciate his sustained greatness. "I am laughing at all these waterboys bringing up Father Time when this man is ...
When I brought up the laugh during our interview for "Axel F," Eddie Murphy was very willing to tell me the whole story. PR experts say Elon Musk’s handling of the Tesla Cybertruck explosion in ...
It’s all about the pressure, she says. “I know that as soon as I laugh, it’s not funny.” She admits she does “corpse” — or crack up — on occasion, particularly with certain experts ...
Most matches are won or lost in midfield. Managers have drilled that into players and it’s still the case today. Few teams ask two players to go up against three when they aren’t equipped fo ...
When the College Football Playoff committee met to determine the teams for the inaugural 12-team playoff, many believed the field was nearly complete except for one position. The final playoff ...
No one is really questioning who calls the shots in Van Halen. Although every member is responsible for turning them into a hard rock institution, it’s hard to discount what Eddie brought to the table ...
Australian women’s captain Alyssa Healy may have summed it up best when she said of Bumrah: “You’ve got to know the bowler always gets the last laugh.” Yet if Konstas has his way ...
It’s so bad that even the refs are literally laughing at Rodgers and the Jets’ uncanny ability to step on rakes. Around halfway through the third quarter of the Jets’ matchup with the ...