Riverside forests in Brazil have facilitated continuous tree migration between the Amazon and Atlantic rainforests. DNA ...
Comuna da Terra Irmã Alberta, a small oasis of green fields and trees, sits on the outskirts of São Paulo and is home to 65 small farmers who help supply Brazil’s largest city with fruits and ...
Riverside forests help trees migrate between Amazon and Atlantic forests, shaping biodiversity over millions of years.
The Museu da Amazônia - MUSA, a patch of preserved rainforest in Manaus, Brazil, is 1.5 hours by river away from the XPRIZE Rainforest competition site. Scientists studied its rich biodiversity to ...
Study reveals how human history—from Indigenous stewardship to colonization—shaped the genetic diversity of Brazil Nut trees ...
Forests flanking Brazil's rivers act as "highways" that have allowed tree species to move between the Amazon and Atlantic ...
While the point of having a signature scent (or five), is so you can spritz it daily and rely on it for every occasion, there ...
Low-income favelas would benefit from green roofs but there are two problems: Cost. And a typical design that's too heavy for ...