Mike Short, head of local government, explains the situation for council and school staff pay in England and Wales, and why ...
Staff have made it abundantly clear they want to stay within the NHS because that’s the best way to ensure patient needs are met.
“Thriving public services are essential for a healthy economy and a fit nation. But if essential services are starved of funding and staff vacancy rates kept high, the results are plain to see. That’s ...
Speaking on behalf of the TUC, Sara Gorton’s evidence focussed on the relationship between the trade unions and the employer bodies and NHS England Sara Gorton, UNISON’s head of health, gave evidence ...
UNISON activists need to ensure they they’ve completed special training on data protection so as to ensure the union remains within the law. At national delegate conference in June, the following rule ...
Ministers must end the two-tier employment scandal in the NHS and ensure all employers in the service play by the same rules.
Welcoming delegates to conference, she spoke of her history in the union and her year as president before presenting the Eric Roberts award ...