Old Hall Marshes is made up of extensive grazing marshes with brackish water fleets, reedbeds, saltmarsh and two off-shore islands. A walk here will reveal many breeding species, including Avocets, ...
Northern Ireland is home to all sorts of wonderful wildlife, from lolloping Irish Hares to soaring Red Kites, not to mention stunning scenery as far as the eye can see. We’re working hard to make sure ...
With lots of different wildlife organisations out there it can be confusing to know who to contact. Calling the wrong or... Identifying birds Identifying birds can be tricky – they’re often seen at a ...
The Lowland Raised Bog Recovery Programme will restore a signature site and develop plans for up to seven new ‘shovel-ready’ restoration sites, covering approximately 750 ha whilst creating six green ...
Create a winter den for frogs, toads and newts. Amphibians like to hibernate in a cool, dark and damp shelter that is safe from predators. Pick a shady, secluded spot where you can dig 30-45cm deep.
Wow! What a year. As we look back over 2024, it’s clear that there’s plenty to celebrate. From award-winning landscape-scale ...
Once vast expanses of carrot fields, RSPB Lakenheath Fen in Suffolk has been managed by the RSPB since 1995 and has since been transformed into 500 hectares of thriving reedbeds and wet grassland. The ...
Bempton Cliffs, on the spectacular Yorkshire coast, is home to one of the UK's top wildlife spectacles. Around half a million seabirds gather here between March and August to raise a family on the ...
Throughout the year, teams of volunteers across the UK play a vital role in the RSPB’s work to save our most vulnerable species. Some of these teams are part of the Species Volunteer Network, a ...
Spring is in the air and birds are on the move. But some, just like us, start going one way and end up somewhere complet... A first for Lincolnshire - Black-winged Stilt chicks A series of squeak-like ...