North Korea's Third Army Corps has seen an increase in desertions during the first half of this year, triggering an emergency ...
North Korean students from Kim Il Sung University of Politics have been mobilized for flood-recovery work in Uiju county ...
A recent graduate of Kim Il Sung University disappeared in North Korea's Kujang county, sparking widespread rumors among ...
North Korea's has proposed a significant expansion of enrollment at its Air Force University to train more aircraft ...
Flood relief workers in Uiju county provoked conflict with locals by digging up private farmland for clay needed for ...
Seulkee Jang is one of Daily NK's full-time reporters and covers North Korean economic and diplomatic issues, including workers dispatched abroad. Jang has a M.A. in Sociology from University of North ...
Lee Kwang Baek has served as Daily NK's president since 2014 alongside his role as president of Unification Media Group. He is an advisor to the Korea Hana Foundation and is a lecturer on North Korean ...
데일리NK가 정기적으로 시행하는 북한 시장 물가 조사에 따르면 지난 15일 평양의 한 시장에서는 1달러가 북한 돈 1만 6100원에 거래됐다. 평양의 북한 원·달러 시장 환율은 지난 2일 역대 최고가인 1만 6500원을 ...
북한이 저출산 문제에 대한 대책으로 ‘세쌍둥이 (삼둥이) 세대와 자식을 많이 낳아 키우는 세대’에 다양한 정책적 혜택을 제공하는 것으로 알려진 가운데, 이에 쌍둥이 부모들이 형평성 문제를 제기하며 불만을 표출하고 있다고 ...