Bitcoin trading, like with any volatile asset, can produce both staggering gains and painful losses. Short-term traders, always on the lookout, endure sharp market fluctuations. “HODLers,” on the ...
BATON ROUGE, La.—Louisiana State Treasurer, John Fleming, M.D. announces an innovative transition with the state government’s plan to accept cryptocurrency as a valid form of payment, allowing the ...
Le trading de Bitcoin, comme pour tout actif volatil, peut générer aussi bien des gains fulgurants que des pertes douloureuses. Les traders à court terme, toujours aux aguets, subissent les ...
The recent adjustment of interest rates by the FED has had a significant impact on the crypto market, and Shiba Inu (SHIB) seems to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of this decision. On September ...
6h00 3 min de lecture par Eddy S. S'informer Regulation Crypto Le récent ajustement des taux d’intérêt par la FED a eu un impact significatif sur le marché crypto, et Shiba Inu (SHIB) semble être l’un ...
The price of Orderly Network (ORDER) is 0.192 USD this Friday, September 20, 2024, down 6.64% over a 24-hour period. The market capitalization of this cryptocurrency is 34.72 millions $, and the ...
La decisión de la Reserva Federal estadounidense de reducir sus tasas de interés ha provocado una verdadera onda de choque en el mercado cripto. El Bitcoin ha subido casi un 6% para acercarse a los 63 ...
Independent ATMs are on the rise, but they hide additional fees that could burden your budget. While traditional ATMs disappear, these new bank-unaffiliated machines are becoming more prevalent.
Los cajeros automáticos independientes se multiplican, pero esconden tarifas adicionales que podrían aumentar su presupuesto. Mientras que los cajeros tradicionales desaparecen, estos nuevos cajeros ...
The Fed has just marked a decisive turning point in its monetary policy, triggering a real shockwave in the European markets. After months of tightening, the American institution has decided to ease ...
Les pressions centralisatrices vis-à-vis du réseau Bitcoin sont multiples. Les plus importantes proviennent de la fabrication des ASIC et des pools. Jan Čapek, cofondateur de Braiins, la toute ...
The price of Tron Bull (BULL) is 0.111 USD this Thursday, September 19, 2024, down 7.49% over a 24-hour period. The market capitalization of this cryptocurrency is 105.89 millions $, and the trading ...