Click external pagehere to register for free. You can register for individual lectures or for the entire series of events. "Cook the Science" is orchestrated by a team led by Prof. Dr. Thomas Michaels ...
The Service Desk is the gateway to the IT Services department. The IT Service Desk staff are familiar with all services and their “operating conditions”.
The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences ( at ETH Zurich invites applications for the above-mentioned position. The study and development of methods to enhance CO2-sequestration ...
Das Glioblastom ist ein noch immer unheilbarer und tödlicher Hirntumor. In einem gross angelegten Wirkstoff-Screening an Patientenmaterial und weiteren Glioblastom-Krankheitsmodellen entpuppt sich das ...
Il glioblastoma è un tumore cerebrale ancora incurabile e mortale. In uno screening farmacologico su larga scala del materiale dei pazienti e di altri modelli di glioblastoma, l'antidepressivo ...
Le glioblastome est une tumeur cérébrale encore incurable et mortelle. Dans le cadre d'un criblage à grande échelle de substances actives sur du matériel de patients et d'autres modèles de maladie du ...
With its highly qualified graduates, state-of-the-art teaching and continuous transfer of knowledge to the private and public sectors, ETH Zurich plays a major role in driving the culture of ...
L'ETH di Zurigo svolge un ruolo significativo nella forza innovativa della Svizzera, con i suoi diplomati ben formati, il suo insegnamento all'avanguardia e il forte trasferimento del sapere ...
L'ETH Zurich joue un rôle déterminant dans la force d'innovation de la Suisse - grâce à ses diplômés bien formés, à son enseignement avancé et à son fort transfert de savoir vers l'économie et la ...
The Unit of Teaching and Learning (UTL) is actively involved in promoting current teaching and its long-term orientation. It supports the development of a clear vision for teaching and is committed to ...
Glioblastoma is an incurable and fatal type of brain cancer. In large-scale drug screening, the antidepressant vortioxetine ...