Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Friday introduced two amendment bills in the state assembly to impose stricter punishment for crimes against women, reaffirming his government's commitment to ...
William Hay targeted his victims who were aged between ten and 15. A man who was jailed for abusing ten boys over a 35-year ...
Christy Giles and Hilda Marcela Cabrales Arzola died of drug overdoses in November 2021 after meeting "freelance ...
In honor of Human Trafficking Prevention Month, one survivor in Tucson shares her story through art and by organizing an exhibit for other survivors to reclaim their voices.
A Champaign man has been found guilty of sexual assault after admitting for the first time on the stand that he did have sex with a woman on the night ...
A Meadville man has been sentenced in county court to up to two decades in state prison for sexual assaults involving two children between July 2016 and August 2020.
After losing two-thirds of its funding, a Racine nonprofit that supports victims of sexual assault and provides community ...
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin introduced two amendment bills to impose stricter penalties for crimes against women, ...
The state has been conducting searches for sex offenses and outstanding warrants — but not checks of past criminal activity.
Calumet City Ald. Monet Wilson addressed the public Thursday night regarding sexual assault and death threats made towards her and her minor son.
The trial of retired Fresno County judge turned criminal defendant Adolfo Corona is now delayed as his attorneys mount their challenges.
After hitting 18.8 million YouTube subscribers and debuting his new $9.5 million house, some may say David Dobrik is at the peak of his career. But what happens when you reach the top? Well, there’s ...