Democratic super PACs are taking an unusual approach in this year’s presidential race: They’re not focusing on former Donald Trump. A significant majority of this cy ...
Carl Marlinga, a former county prosecutor who’s taking on Republican Rep. John James in MI-10, agreed that he views Harris’ message as a boon for his campaign. He said that he and Harris were “part of ...
The possibility of a second Trump administration will loom large over the usual Climate Week back-to-back panels and announcements.
Uncovering China’s massive IoT botnet not only shows a shift of tactics and scale but represents a wake-up call about current detection capabilities.
Beijing complains — not without some justification — that the landmark U.S. climate law discriminates against Chinese suppliers in violation of WTO rules.
It’s a busy week in Congress for FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker, who has become the public face of the Biden administration’s response to systemic manufacturing issues at Boeing.
‘ALL HANDS ON DECK’ — Education Secretary Miguel Cardona wants higher education leaders to know the federal financial aid form, known as FAFSA, is in far better shape than it was this time last year.
The pilot, which was launched in 2021 by former Mayor Bill de Blasio, dispatches emergency medics and social workers to respond to mental health-related 911 calls instead of police.
WHO’S PAYING WHAT, AND WHERE: It’s an academic point, on some level. But the Joint Committee on Taxation’s recent finding that the richest people in America pay fairly robust amounts of taxes could ...
A NEW MEASLES NORMAL? Measles, once declared eliminated in the U.S., is making an alarming comeback. With 13 measles outbreaks already reported this year — compared with four last year — public health ...
OCTOBER SURPRISE?: The Department of Labor is coming up on a year since acting Secretary Julie Su initiated a review of the 14(c) certificate program, which allows qualified employers to pay disabled ...