The Young Avengers are a team of powerful, young heroes, but the Champions strive for a better future, making them the better ...
Joaquín Torres, su artífice, aguarda frente a la entrada de la casa apoyado sobre un Mercedes blanco. El demiurgo junto a su creación. "Se la hice a mi padre en los años noventa, cuando él ...
Es lo que le ocurrió al célebre arquitecto Joaquín Torres (53 años) en el año 2023. Tras su feliz y bella y emotiva boda con Raúl Prieto (49), llegó la primera adversidad: un accidente de moto.
Sam Wilson is our Captain America, Joaquín Torres is our Falcon, and we couldn’t be happier about the successors of both mantles. Both heroes showed off their high-flying heroics and dedication ...
As well as putting Anthony Mackie's Sam Wilson front and center as the Marvel movies' new Cap, it also brings back another old friend in the form of the second Falcon, Joaquin Torres, as played by ...
Here is what you need to know about Sam Wilson and his star-spangled shield before the new film hits the big screen.
The actor — who plays Joaquin Torres, a.k.a the Falcon — told fellow Maverick costar and future Marvel star Lewis Pullman ...
Brave New World post-credits scene only further exemplify the MCU's messy messaging around its multiverse scheme.
Brave New World” are summarized in its title. It isn’t “brave,” nor is it “new.” It’s one of the least inspired Marvel ...