Every winter, tens of thousands of elephant seals return to beaches along the California coast. Northern elephant seals were ...
Elephant seals don’t like boom mics… so wireless transmitters and DPA 6060 CORE Subminiature Lavaliers were used for another ...
After months of care at uShaka Sea World, Rocky the juvenile elephant seal has been successfully released back into the ocean ...
Despite the rain, hundreds crowded in front of the Channel Islands National Park visitor's center Wednesday. Here's why.
Researchers enlist animals' help to pierce the mysteries of the twilight zone of the sea: 'It was really exciting' first ...
The world's largest iceberg appears to have run aground off the coast of a remote British island home to millions of penguins ...
The nearly one-trillion-tonne block of ice, known as A23a, has grounded on the continental shelf off South Georgia island ...
Watch live as a private US company attempts to land a spacecraft on the Moon in a historic search for water and ice on ...
Latest update from the BOM shows cyclone likely to cross close to Moreton Bay ...