The cast of School of Rock have reunited as two co-stars tied the knot. Angelo Massagli and Caitlin Hale played the role of kids Frankie and Marta in the iconic Jack Black -led 2003 movie, though ...
Stone Cold Steve Austin, one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, also had what was the defining entrance music of the ...
Laurel Canyon is rich with music landmarks and was home to Joni Mitchell, Frank Zappa, Alice Cooper and more during its 1960s-'70s peak.
With wide-open roads, dramatic scenery, easy adventure and pockets of classic Americana, Utah's Scenic Byway 12 is an ...
Angelo Massagli and Caitlin Hale were just 10 years old when they first crossed paths at the audition for School of Rock, ...
SCHOOL Of Rock child stars have tied the knot after they met on the movie set more than 22 years ago. The 2004 movie, starring Jack Black, follows the lead character Dewey Finn, an amateur rock ...
The other stars present included Brian Falduto (Billy), Joey Gaydos Jr. (Zack), Robert Tsai (Lawrence), Maryam Hassan (Tomika), Aleisha Allen (Alicia), Cole Hawkins (Leonard), Z Infante (Gordon) and ...
Nearly 3,000 fans from around the world braved the cold and gathered at Graceland to mark what would have been Elvis ...
Mary J. Blige, Tyler the Creator, The Current's anniversary party, and other reasons to leave the house during the winter.
Lou Gramm, the original lead singer and founding member of rock group Foreigner, will be performing at Mahnomen's Shooting ...
It's on with the show, with three films and a block of concerts including G. Love & Special Sauce, plus "Peter Pan" opens at the Ohio Theatre.