A stroke is an injury to the brain caused by an interruption in blood flow from a vessel blockage, blood clot or vessel ...
Indian medical experts warn of a strong link between diabetes and heart disease, particularly in winter. High blood sugar can ...
There is no cure for heart failure and it typically gets worse over time with around half of patients dying within five years ...
Cardiovascular disease, sometimes abbreviated as CVD, is the leading cause of death worldwide. It’s a catchall term for heart ...
A delay in the FDA decision for NT-501 could leave those with macular telangiectasia (MacTel) without any form of treatment ...
it can damage the eye’s blood vessels, causing swelling, leakage, and potentially vision loss.” Regular check-ups: Diabetic ...
Implantation bleeding during pregnancy refers to the light spotting or bleeding that can happen when a fertilized egg attaches or implants itself to the uterine lining. "As the fertilized egg ...
The NHS has issued a warning to be vigilant over an uncomfortable symptom in the legs that could indicate a potentially ...
High blood pressure, or hypertension, earns its reputation as the silent killer by developing stealthily until serious ...
Dr. Kumara highlights that lifestyle factors such as smoking, poor diet, and lack of physical activity significantly ...
While medical headlines often focus on the biochemical underpinnings of disease, our body's biomechanics are equally crucial.