The stunning Sundance documentary "The Stringer" challenges the authorship of the famous Napalm Girl photo from the Vietnam ...
The filmmakers eventually located a stringer — a young Vietnamese-based photographer who fled to California after the war named Nguyen Nghe — who says that it was he who took the photo ...
The retired Associated Press photographer Nick Ut, who is credited with taking the famous “Napalm Girl” photo in 1972, tried to stop Sundance from screening a movie that asserts the real photographer ...
The retired Associated Press photographer Nick Ut, who is credited with taking the famous “Napalm Girl” photo in 1972, tried to stop Sundance from screening a movie that asserts he isn’t the real ...
The two-year investigation was headed up by former war photographer Gary Knight, who also leads the nonprofit VII Foundation, which educates “majority-world” journalists, from the Global South.
Acclaimed war photographer Gary Knight and journalists Fiona Turner, Terri Lichstein, and Lê Vân embark on a relentless search to locate and seek justice for a man known only as “the stringer.” ...
Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Nick Ut (with framed picture), flanked by Kim Phuc, known as the "Napalm Girl", shows his Vietnam war photo as they wait to meet Pope Francis in St Peter's ...
David Edwards has spent over a decade reporting on social justice, human rights and politics for Raw Story. He also writes Crooks and Liars. He has a background in enterprise resource planning and ...
The battle heats up between indie journalists and the Associated Press over a movie questioning the author of an iconic Vietnam image. By Steven Zeitchik Senior Editor, Awards ...
This fascination with the past, coupled with my interest in photography, is probably why a recent video by the BBC caught my attention, telling the story behind portraits taken of some of the last ...
While the North Korean soldiers are “all young, trained, hardy fighters,”Pokémon said, they would have not previously faced a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) – which have transformed the war ...
He denounces the attitude of the West, the EU, and NATO towards the Ukrainians, calls on President Trump to end Kyiv’s war with Moscow, speaks of European elites with their hands “dipped in ...