Attack on Titan: The Last Attack, the anime omnibus film that combines the final two episodes of the critically acclaimed anime series for one supersized cinematic experience, has a theatrical ...
After years of only new Star Wars shows, the franchise is ready to return to the big screen. But which upcoming Star Wars movies should you watch out for? How much Star Wars is too much Star Wars?
From R2-D2 to the Millennium Falcon, we've rounded up the best Lego Star Wars sets currently available. Whether you're looking for a seriously impressive display model or something that kids can ...
Odds are the Blu-ray will arrive on your doorstep around the same time. Be the first to know about your favorite movies, shows, comics, anime, video games, and more! Sign up here and never miss a ...
If the Steelbook edition also sells out at Amazon, you can grab the standard edition Gladiator 4K Blu-ray for $28 instead, which includes the theatrical and unrated cuts of the movie. There's also ...