“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
As Severance season 2 begins, we're given a better idea of the exact size of the mysterious, nefarious Lumon Industries.
On Reddit, Severance fans are convinced that Helly’s outie, Helena Egan, heiress to the Lumon empire, has gone undercover as ...
In the show, the main characters work for Lumon Industries. The team members have all undergone a severance procedure that separates their work and personal memories. They go to work each day and work ...
Mark Scout, played by Adam Scott, on the show Severance has got fans hooked and questioning what is Macrodata Refinement (MDR ...
"She's alive!" Before we get to saving Ms. Casey in Severance season 2, let's recall what happened in season 1.
It was revealed during season 1 of “Severance” that Gemma died in a car accident. While it’s possible that Lumon faked ...
Is that why we never see Lumon’s board? Because they’re all “alive” without being alive? A blue computer screen with random numbers on Severance Apple TV+ There’s still so much we don ...
With the second episode of Severance season two now available, Apple's CEO Tim Cook is promoting it in a different way than ...
Thank *Kier* Severance is back for season two! The AppleTV+ hit left us with a major cliffhanger when the first season ended ...