Ukrainian industry is building more and better heavy drones and deploying them more widely. Ukrainian factories churned out ...
The satellite-guided KAB or UMPK glide-bombs, each traveling 25 miles or farther under pop-out wings, were a “miracle weapon” ...
The B-52 and accompanying fighter aircraft flew within just 30 miles (50 kilometers) of the Russian border, and just 10 miles of the Belarusian border.
A recording appeared online showing a failed Russian attempt to shoot down a Ukrainian E-300 Enterprise drone near Bryansk.
"February is the shortest month of the year, but our sky defenders have achieved the greatest results in downing Russian jets ...
Both the U.S. and Russia deploy hundreds of nuclear-armed ICBMs that can be fired and reach targets within minutes.
MOSCOW--Two Russian Tu-95 strategic bombers conducted a routine flight over the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan, state-run TASS news agency reported on Thursday, citing the Russian Defense ...
The Russian military is sending wounded troops on crutches back to the frontlines to fight, and redeploying soldiers with significant injuries to combat roles, as it struggles with growing ...
“Russian aggression” has been used in G7 statements dating back to the start of the conflict, as has the descriptor of the conflict as an “illegal war of aggression.” ...
Preparations are underway for a face-to-face meeting between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russia’s deputy foreign minister said Saturday, marking a clear departure from ...
ISTANBUL, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will visit Turkey on Monday to discuss his country's recent talks with U.S. officials on ending the war in Ukraine, and how ...
Feb 22 (Reuters) - A second meeting between representatives of Russia and the United States is planned for the next two weeks, the RIA state news agency reported on Saturday, citing Russian Deputy ...