If you find yourself struggling to stay engaged, there are things you can do to get excited about doing your best. Here are ...
Say this powerful prayer to Archangel Michael for cleansing and protection of your home and family, to ward off danger, envy, ...
Grappling with feelings of being lost in the present moment, I rely more and more on the comforting truth that no matter what ...
In Job 34:32, Elihu speaks these words: "Teach me what I cannot see; if I have done wrong, I will not do so again." This ...
On the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, Bishop Mark Seitz has called on Catholics to ...
When a young couple marries, they have all sorts of dreams of how wonderful life will be, maybe even how easy it will be, to ...
Every week, the staff at CrossPoint Church gathers to pray for the prayer requests shared with us during our Sunday gatherings. As we work our way through the requests, we are given this window into ...
When Jesus enters the house, Mary sees that God is present, that they are in the presence of love. So Mary drops everything ...