Brendol Hux, father of the sequel trilogy's Armitage ... already hinting at a connection to Palpatine's return. What truly drove home this connection, though, was the additional information ...
Palpatine told him that there was nothing of ... with fellow Imperial bigwigs prior to Gideon’s demise that Brendol Hux was working on Project Necromancer, which was our first time hearing ...
But the show may be tying into Palpatine's return in a different way. The season's penultimate episode mentioned Brendol Hux is working on another mysterious project called Project Necromancer ...
There may still be a connection between the planet and the Sith Lord publicly known as Sheev Palpatine, though, and that is hinted at when the At Attin supervisor's (Stephen Fry) confronts Jod Na ...
Or cloning himself so he can’t die. I don’t know, but it seems unrelated to the Palpatine stuff being handled by another Hux. It was a good episode which included a Hodor moment from Paz ...