December's second new moon, nicknamed the Black Moon, is a rare event that takes place on Jan. 30. Here's how it affects your ...
A black moon also refers to the new moon phase itself when the moon is positioned between Earth and the sun, making it nearly ...
On December 28, the Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius creates a dynamic alignment in each zodiac sign's ...
According to astrologer Nina Kahn, these signs will be most impacted by the energy of the new moon on Dec. 30, 2024.
Find out how each zodiac sign should celebrate the holidays to make the season extra magical. Whether it's festive gatherings ...
January 2025 horoscopes begin the year with a new melody. Things feel surreal with Venus in its exaltation beginning on ...
According to astrologer Nina Kahn, these two air signs will have an easier time with the new moon on Dec. 30, 2024.
Each zodiac sign's tarot horoscope for December 29, 2024, taps into the energy of the intellectual Sagittarius Moon and the ...
A black moon also refers to the new moon phase itself when the moon is positioned between Earth and the sun, making it nearly invisible from our view. The black moon is a new moon in Capricorn, an ...
If you want to get a quick snapshot of someone else's personality, then our handy guide to interpreting their Big 3 can help.
Sagittarius, the Gemini Full Moon activates your transformation sector, asking you to confront deep-seated fears, resentments ...
On Christmas 2024, the emotional Moon will transit Scorpio. This zodiac will feel family—or community-oriented, eager to ...