Madagascar is an animated film series produced by DreamWorks Animation. Voices of Ben Stiller, Jada Pinkett Smith, Chris Rock and David Schwimmer are featured in the films. The plot follows the ...
In one of the largest repatriation operations of its kind, almost 1,000 trafficked lemurs and tortoises were successfully returned from Thailand to Madagascar. A photo released on November 27 ...
The agency says Chinese-made Mother and Baby Plush Toys — including animals like pandas, elephants, lions, tigers and giraffes — don't meet Canadian safety standards and hard plastic eyes ...
Bursts of laughter echo from a speedboard bobbing on the turquoise Mozambique channel, miles off the west coast of Madagascar. It's a sunny morning. The only land in view is a tiny islet of white ...
Health Canada issued a recall on Christmas Eve for 120 units of Mother and Baby plush toys sold by Toronto-based Chantia Sales. The recall includes elephant, giraffe, lion, tiger and panda plush ...
My last dog had a favorite toy, and it was my favorite as well. As part of a team at a former job, we found an Etsy seller who made a tiny plush replica of the product we produced, but for dogs!
BUFFALO, N.Y. — Buffalo Sabres forward Alex Tuch joined in on the holiday giving season by delivering toys to Summit Academy students on Wednesday. Through his AT9 Foundation, Tuch organized a ...
A soft gray blanket trailed behind his toy car like Santa’s sleigh. Alex Bregman, who played nine seasons with the Houston Astros, is a free agent currently. His family which includes wife ...
Former Yankees superstar Alex Rodriguez spread Christmas cheers among the hearts of young children with his 17th annual toy drive in Miami on Tuesday. His company A-Rod Corporation teamed up with ...
I experienced this recently after taking a much-needed breather only to return and find that a *checks notes* stuffed gingerbread plush toy had inexplicably morphed into the internet's new main ...
It’s been a tough year for the toy industry, but one of the biggest players dropped some holiday cheer with a last-minute marketing message toymakers everywhere can applaud. The message?
The Grey Sauble Conservation Foundation’s Malcolm Kirk Environmental Award played an important role in the inspiring journey of Alex Adair, a recipient of ... This past summer, Adair travelled to ...