Eig said the “watering down” of King’s radical message is intentional, noting that King’s close friend Harry Belafonte believed the national holiday was designed to destroy King’s power — the holiday ...
The protesters of the civil rights movement didn’t just show up. They planned for every eventuality. It’s a lesson that’s ...
Editor's Note: This column is co-authored by Bishop B. Dwayne Hardin and Marc T. Little.
We cannot and must not retreat to “fortress America” and with the illusion that we are safe between two oceans, nor can we ...
Today’s clergy need to answer the Rev. Martin Luther King’s call six decades ago to step up, organize and take action.
Rep. Talarico calls out the moral failings of Christian nationalism and reminds us of our Christian responsibilities to our ...
Women listen during the March on Washington on Aug. 28, 1963. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images Vicki Crawford, Morehouse College ...
As a college president who is passionate about expanding access to education, I don’t have all the answers right now. But I ...
Why does every pulpit in the U.S. not ring with organizing opposition to this quiet overthrow of our government? | Opinion ...
Why does every pulpit in the U.S. not ring with organizing opposition to this quiet overthrow of our government? | Opinion ...
NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — The legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lives on 56 years after his untimely death. Dr. King, a ...
East Cooper Faith Council's (ECFC) mission to further the concept of a beloved community among area residents continues ...