The peaceful protest culminated with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. standing on the steps of the Lincoln ... King’s words ...
One of the reasons that Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy continues to inspire is that he was a philanthropist in its original sense — a lover of humanity.
About 450 people attended the 38th annual breakfast, which also included presenting a Trailblazer Award to John Miller, former AnMed chief executive ...
Today, as the United States pauses to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day ... live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character ...
“But I don’t think the appreciation for Martin Luther King Jr. is limited to people of a certain color or race ... same everything, same number of people, if not, we had more,” Trump ...
Martin Luther King Jr., along with other civil rights leaders ... Higgins said that speaking for herself as a person of color, three concerns were top of mind: Criminal justice reform, including ...
The peaceful protest culminated with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. standing on the steps ... by the content of their character and not the color of their skin, are bastardized by Trump supporter ...
MLK dreamt of “a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin ... Same real estate, same everything, same number of people, if not we had more,” he bragged.
Eventually, these 219 small paintings done by 195 students in Walsh's classes turned into an iconic image of Dr. the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr ... discussions about color, Castro said.
There are a number of events ... know , because this year's MLK day comes almost exactly one year after the San Diego floods hit and devastated many communities of color in and around San Diego.
Martin Luther King, Jr. with his arms folded in front of him and his gaze cast out over the frozen Tidal Basin. But there stood Glenda McDonald, bundled up in her parka doing as she has done over the ...
On Friday, January 17, Anderson Mayor Terence Roberts and the city council held the 18th annual Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. breakfast ... "People value character over color." ...