Sakamoto Days, which follows a retired hitman who is forced back into action, is already off to a promising start. Read our ...
When it comes to modern action franchises, none are as beloved as John Wick. Since 2014, the Keanu Reeves -led franchise has ...
John Wick started as a story of a man seeking vengeance against those who killed his dog. Of course, it wasn't just about the ...
John Wick 4 has already come and gone, but a producer on the third film is still discussing why Winston shot the titular assassin.
Carrie Underwood joined by Village People, Lee Greenwood at Trump inauguration events Tennis' richest player is worth more than Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic together NASA spots ‘ghost island’ that ...
Expansion of John Wick universe under Stahelski's oversight includes anime, TV series, and new film Ballerina. While Keanu ...