While dialectical behavioral therapy remains the most well-known psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder, ...
Without realizing it, chances are you automatically know how to time your conversations. A new study shows where this basic ...
BPD is a disorder of mood and how a person interacts with others. It is the most commonly recognised personality disorder.
Treatment should focus on the underlying causes of borderline personality disorder – trauma – rather stigmatise the person.
People living with bipolar disorder face stigma and treatment challenges. Despite these barriers, it’s possible to live a full and productive life with the condition. Four people share their ...
I'm always afraid to speak openly with people I meet because I know that as soon as they hear the words 'personality disorder', they're going to start treating me differently," she said.
A 2024 retrospective analysis notes that ADHD often relates to personality disorders such as NPD. The analysis refers to older research suggesting that roughly a quarter of people living with ADHD ...
Kathleen Daly, MD, is a board-certified psychiatrist with a specialty in women's and transgender mental health, schizophrenia, and severe mood disorders. The terms "psychopath" and "sociopath" are ...
Exactly, and at the heart of perfectionism is a personality ... so as people with perfectionism age, we can get less diligent, sort of more unstable, and are certainly prone to the disorders ...
Yes, you'd think having a high profile would make you less likely to give into temptation - what with being recognisable in public and all - but, in my experience, the rich and famous are some of ...
"After 30 years of abusive behavior from a kid who sucked all of the oxygen from the room, I made my peace with the fact that I could do no more, that being a parent did not obligate me to take abuse ...
By carefully studying patterns of behaviour, profilers can formulate theories of when and how a criminal will act next, facilitating ...