It will probably be as aggressive 100 days as any administration going back to FDR's first 100 days in 1932. This kind of makes sense because this was a 1932-type realignment. And given the border ...
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More than 200 executive orders are expected to have been signed by early February, dwarfing FDR’s own record of 77 in his first 100 days. The blitz has given rise to predictions that the first ...
"The first 100 days are now more consequential than they were even during FDR's time because voters' attention span and their patience is a lot lower than it was. Voters want results faster than ...
DAYS: The first hundred days of a president’s term are considered a benchmark for action. How did it become so important? We owe that to Franklin D. Roosevelt. When he took office in 1933, he took ...