The event began with an engaging discussion led by Padmashri Shovana Narayan, SNA awardee and Ambassador Dr Suresh Goel, former DG of ICCR. The panel also included Jatin Das, the renowned artist and ...
Unlocking the power of arts integration for elementary math—from Warhol’s pop art arrays to Van Gogh’s shapes to Kahlo’s symmetry—leads to engaging, creative activities.
Simple words like "the" and "of" are everywhere, but don't follow regular phonics patterns. How should teachers approach them?
In a study, scientists have shown neurotransmitters in the human brain are active during the processing of the emotional content of language, providing new understanding into how people interpret the ...
Sometimes, the simplest messages can have the biggest impact. That’s exactly what Jun Han Chin captures in his motivational ...
Time-travelling drama about the Japanese American legends of US military history.
Hundreds of Wordle puzzles have passed since the game was first unleashed onto the world, and there's now a burgeoning repository of words that now cannot be used for any future Wordle puzzles. If you ...