When some of the biggest stars reach the end of their lives, they explode in spectacular supernovas and leave behind ...
A NASA satellite spotted a giant "bean" on Mars. These strange frozen objects can be seen on the Red Planet's dunes until ...
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has captured images of kidney bean-shaped frozen sand dunes in Mars' northern hemisphere, ...
When some of the biggest stars reach the end of their lives, they explode in spectacular supernovas and leave behind incredibly dense cores called ...
Three-million-year-old tools found in Kenya reveal early humans' ability to cut food, butcher meat, and adapt to new diets.
This structure, which we are fortunate to have at our doorstep, is a man-made marvel and is known as such far and wide. Not ...
Emily Simpson has loved space since she was a 10-year-old kid celebrating her birthday at a planetarium. Now a recent Florida ...
"Any living being with a set of lungs is susceptible because of the air particles," Blea said. "Thoroughbred racehorses do ...
A NASA satellite has spotted frozen "kidney beans" on Mars' sand dunes trapped in place until springtime. Photographing them ...
Scientists have come a step closer to understanding how collisionless shock waves – found throughout the universe – are able ...
Have you seen it? I’m talking about that super-bright and super-red “star” rising in the east in the early evening. That’s ...
From these indirect observations, scientists have calculated that the scorchingly hot inner core, with temperatures ...