Sforza Castle, Leonardo Da Vinci and Secret passage

There's a hidden drawing underneath the "Mona Lisa" — and it shows that this masterpiece almost looked very different.
Explore Leonardo da Vinci's most famous works like the Mona Lisa, as well as his drawings and unfinished works. In 1517, Leonardo showed a visitor a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo, the wife of a ...
I have come to Windsor Castle to see the queen’s collection of Leonardo da Vinci drawings. Outside the towering stone walls, tourists snap selfies and rummage through souvenir tea towels.
MINA, the Museum of Immersive New Art in Bucharest, will host the first immersive exhibition dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci ...
Explore Leonardo da Vinci's most famous works like the Mona Lisa, as well as his drawings and unfinished works like the Adoration of the Magi. The Mona Lisa is much more than just a painting ...