Income-driven repayment plans are intended to make student loan payments affordable, but they don't take your real cost of living into account (just your income and family size). SAVE's adjusted ...
However, your debt must fall under one of the categories that qualify for debt relief.
Jay Swanson accomplished his lifelong dream of moving to Paris in 2017. Why he says he's "really, really, really happy" with ...
Filing for bankruptcy can provide serious relief from your mounting debt, but there are a few things to know first.
To get your student loans discharged in bankruptcy, you’ll need to prove that they cause you “undue hardship.” Borrowers can choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, but they must ...
Russian shopping malls are facing mass closures as they struggle to cope with tax hikes and rising loan costs. Businesses across the country have been rocked by the Central Bank's decision late ...
Graduate degree programs typically cost more than undergraduate programs, plus some students enter their grad school era already carrying student loan debt from their undergrad years. At the same ...
CNBC Select will update as changes are made public. Refinancing high-interest student loans, however, allows borrowers the chance to score a lower interest rate on their loans, thereby reducing ...
Once you file, an automatic stay goes into effect, which is a powerful legal protection that stops creditors from pursuing collection actions against you, including phone calls, wage garnishments and ...
WASHINGTON – Students across the country expressed relief Tuesday after the U.S. Department of Education confirmed direct student loans and Pell ... have until Feb. 7 to respond to a list ...
This article was further updated on the morning of Jan. 29, 2025 to reflect additional reporting on the funding freeze’s impact on student loan programs. This article was further updated on the ...
Rod Lamkey Jr. for The New York Times By Ron Lieber and Tara Siegel Bernard Ron Lieber and Tara Siegel Bernard covered student loans, retirement, taxes and other financial policies during the ...