Colour therapy is widely used in astrology to help natives attract luck, so here are the lucky colours for all zodiac signs ...
It’s that time again: time to find out what the stars have to say about the month ahead. Claire Petulengro, astrologist and ...
Scorpio: here are your finance predictions for the day December 21 ...
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. Because of its incredible passion and power, Scorpio is often mistaken for a fire sign. In fact ...
Fact. Despite this, though, my sign’s reputation precedes me. If I ever show the slightest hint that my feathers have been ruffled, people around me begin to mutter that “Scorpio is rising”.
As you might imagine, the new moon in Scorpio will affect water signs like Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio itself most intensely. But it will also have effects on a range of other star signs.