It was a night of celebration, joy, and emotion, in Lima, Peru, as the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square ...
La Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima concluyó la restauración del atrio lateral de la Basílica del Santísimo Rosario del ...
Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of an influential Peruvian bishop, who has come under criticism for not doing enough to stop abuses committed by a conservative Catholic movement that was ...
Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles met with government, business and religious leaders while in Peru ...
En este video, Devoción a San Judas Tadeo: cientos de fieles acuden cada 28 a la basílica San Francisco creado por el canal peruano TVPerú Noticias ...
History was in the making for members of The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square as they arrived in the South ...
Adassa, Fonseca, Mauricio Mesones, Los Kjarkas, Family Fabre and Alex Melecio — each with ties to Latin America were ...