Arena Animation introduces the Yuva Scholarship program, offering up to 35% financial assistance for students in animation, ...
NewsVoir Mumbai Maharashtra [India] 18 Arena Animation one of the leading animation institutes in the country and training ...
Lionel Messi, a global soccer icon and an eight-time Ballon d’Or winner, is stepping into a new arena: animation.
In a move that could shake up the Turkish Super Lig, a key member of Lionel Messi's World Cup-winning Argentina squad is ...
Sarge in Shadow Fight 4 Arena will soon be revamped with the upcoming ... along with reducing the distance of his step-back animation. His upper attacks have also been changed to prevent players from ...
Ignite IAS Academy Hosts Debate the Pros and Cons of One Nation, One Election ...
Arena Animation, one of the leading animation institutes in the country and training brand of Aptech Limited, has launched its latest initiative “Yuva Scholarship” which offers online entrance exams, ...