Apple last updated the Apple TV in October 2022, introducing a new, smaller design, USB-C on the Siri remote, and a bump from the A12 chip to the A15 chip. The product is now over two years old, and ...
Apple’s new smart hub could look like a HomePod with a seven-inch screen attached to it, and a higher-end version of the same device could even have a robot arm that lets it track users around the ...
The Apple TV 4K has long been heralded as the media streaming king. But as I found out recently, your TV's built-in streaming ...
Despite having some major investments and critical achievements, it's one of the lowest-rated streamers in the market.
Apple's recent iPhone changes — changes Google is also making to its devices — enable Thread radio frequency support. That ...
And if you’re a dedicated Windows user, the Square POS app won’t work with your device. Use iOS or Android devices. Square is not compatible with Windows devices. Need general POS features and ...