Because the more complex your cloud environment is, the more threats to your cloud data you face. From more sophisticated security attacks to cross-platform management complexities to compliance ...
Email based attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, especially now that cyber criminals are using AI to make phishing messages more convincing. Fortunately, those who are tasked with keeping ...
Modern software development demands a balance between speed, efficiency, and security. DevOps, the fusion of development and operations, aims to achieve this balance by optimizing the software ...
Tips and best practices for IT departments using Microsoft's collaboration platform. The popularity of Microsoft Teams has skyrocketed. But because of Covid-19, many IT departments had to either ...
The ecosystem of threats targeting Microsoft 365 data is radically different today than it was just a few years ago. Beyond phishing and brute-force logins, today's attackers also using sophisticated ...
In the ever-evolving landscape of information technology, enterprises of every size grapple with a critical challenge: managing and consolidating vast amounts of data, especially within Microsoft ...
Thanks for signing up for the first session of the security awareness program “Your Employees Are Your Biggest Risk”! A member of the Netwrix team will contact you with login details.
You are standing in the aftermath of what is likely the worst day in your professional career: A ransomware attack. You have teams working around the clock to rebuild your network and get your ...
Real-world best practice advice for Azure AD/Active Directory security and management. Everyone knows Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)/ Active Directory are powerful tools in your security and ...
When evaluating MDR vendors, organizations should consider several elements, from the provider’s investigation and response capabilities to their depth of detection and beyond. In this guide, we’ll go ...
Email-based attacks, especially associated with conversation hijacking are on the rise, as cybercriminals are getting help with generative AI, launching an attack is easier and faster than ever.
This white paper debunks the key misperceptions about modern cyberattacks and lays out the true phases of a cyberattack, reviewing some of the most common tactics and techniques used in each phase ...