Harris County is preparing for an impending Arctic front, with Judge Lina Hidalgo announcing a readiness plan to keep ...
Temporary warming centers will be open on Thursday and Friday as near-freezing temperatures sweep through Central Florida.
Throughout East Tennessee, frigid temperatures are making conditions potentially dangerous for those without access to heat.
City and county officials in Houston and surrounding areas, along with nonprofit organizations, are opening shelters and ...
Area residents needing shelter from the extreme cold and snow this week are encouraged to call the 211 Texas/United Way ...
We've put together a list of places where you can go to get warm, should you need to. Several parishes are offering help to ...
Warming centers across the city and suburbs will be open next week as bitterly cold temperatures are expected in the Chicago ...
City of Killeen buildings are always open to the public and available for warming (and cooling off) during each facility’s ...
Pittsburgh Citiparks activated six Healthy Active Living Centers as warming centers during a stretch of extremely low temperatures.