Ivan Boesky, the one-time Wall Street ... "Wall Street." "The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good," Gekko tells his shareholders in the film.
Boesky would go to prison in a scandal so brazen that he became the inspiration for the character of Gordon Gekko in the seminal film “Wall Street.” Boesky’s 1986 guilty plea to insider ...
Wall Street is a ... and Daryl Hannah. The film tells the story of Bud Fox (Sheen), a young stockbroker desperate to succeed who becomes involved with his hero, Gordon Gekko (Douglas), a wealthy ...
Hill's slicked back hairstyle is reportedly the inspiration for the physical appearance of Michael Douglass' character in the the 1987 film "Wall Street." Serena Boardman of Sotheby's ...