The Nicaraguan government has lashed out at the Vatican following an interview Bishop Rolando Álvarez gave last week to the ...
Rolando Álvarez, el imitador del Cardenal Obando tanto en el tono de voz, como en los gestos, pero nunca en lo de tener un ...
El periodista del Sandinismo, Stalin Vladimir Centeno, lanzó duras críticas contra el obispo de Matagalpa, Rolando Álvarez, ...
The Vatican closed its embassy in Nicaragua in March 2023 after the regime called for suspending relations. The apostolic ...
“I am not exiled, I am liberated. I do not feel exiled, but liberated,” emphasized Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando Álvarez during ...
Nicaragua's government described the Vatican as "depraved" and "pedophile" on Sunday, two days after an interview on Catholic ...
La condena contra el obispo nicaragüense desnacionalizado Rolando Álvarez ... conocido como la cárcel modelo de Nicaragua. LEA TAMBIÉN: Ordenan captura del presidente nicaragüense Daniel ...
El obispo nicaragüense Rolando Álvarez confirmó que nunca recibió el libro enviado por Mons. Munilla mientras estuvo preso en ...
Nicaragua tildó este domingo de «depravado» y «pedófilo» al Vaticano, a la vez que condenó la entrevista ofrecida por el obispo nicaragüense desnacionalizado Rolando Álvarez al noticiero ...
Nicaragua's government described the Vatican as "depraved" and "pedophile" on Sunday, two days after an interview on Catholic television channel EWTN with exiled Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando Alvarez ...
Bishop Rolando Álvarez: Well, I am very happy in Rome because when I was detained, I thought that at the time of liberation, after Nicaragua, the best city in which I could live is the eternal one.
Nicaragua's government described the Vatican ... on Catholic television channel EWTN with exiled Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando Alvarez, one of the fiercest critics of President Daniel Ortega.